Style Services
Curly-DooTM (No Cut, No Shaping)
Wash. Condition. Style Curly. “No risk-no cutting”. It’s a wonderful experience for your curls. More Details.
It’s my First Appointment$40.00 |
Existing Guest (Adult)$90.75 – $100.75 |
Existing Guest (Child 12 and under)$83.75 |
Cut & Style Services
Dry-Cut CurlyTM (Includes The Curly-Doo)
Redefine limp locks into pretty cascading curls with our savvy Dry-Cut CurlyTM.
Our guests love that the focus of our unique cut for them is on creating a shape with movement. More Details.
Super Short (above the ear, and less than one inch in length)$137.75 |
Extra Short (above the ear, and longer than one inch)$147.75 |
Short (above the shoulder)$167.75 |
Medium (above the shoulder blade)$177.75 |
Long (below the shoulder blade, and above the waist)$187.75 |
Extra Long (below the waist)$197.75 |
Kids Cut – 12 under
Short (above the shoulder) $101.50 |
Medium (above the shoulder blade) $111.50 |
Long (below the shoulder blade, and above the waist) $111.50 |
Cut Only Services
Signature Dry Cut CurlyTM (No wash, No Style)
Available to our existing guests in-between their 3-6 month Full Dry-Cut CurlyTM Method Appointments. More Details.
DCC ExpressTM Revitalize your original shaping when its dry. (For Adults Only. 30 min service, no consultation)$108.75 |
DCC ExpressTM (For Kids under 12. 30-minute service, no consultation)$55.75 |
The above services can be added with an additional cost to our Treatment and Curly DooTM Services
Colour Services
Curly ColourTM
All our colour services (except Colour Gloss & Toning) will include the Curly-DooTM. If we need to use the additional colour product, then we will add $22.50 for the additional bowl. More Details.
First Visit – Intro to our colour line & have some colour in my curls$158.50 |
First Visit – Intro to our colour line & have no existing colour in my curls$226.50 |
Tired of my current colour, want to go back to my natural colour or darker$220.50 |
Subsequent Colour Visits – Roots Only (Base)$136.50 |
Subsequent Colour Visits – Roots + Ends$158.50 |
Colour Gloss ONLY (without adding a pigmented colour, the gloss will provide a shine to curls that are looking dull or lacklustre)$64.00 (without Curly Doo)TM |
Toner Only$50.50 (without Curly Doo)TM |
Lightening Services (Includes Curly Doo™)
Curly LitesTM
Baby Lites, Partial & Full Highlights, Balayage, Ombre. More Details.
Single or Quarter Hilites (less than 7 foils)$250.50 |
Partial Hilites$268.50 |
Full Head of Hilites$346.50 |
Single or Quarter Hilites(less than 7 foils) & Root (Base) Colour$268.50 |
Partial Hilites + Root (Base) Colour$316.50 |
Full Hilites & Root (Base) Colour$364.50 |
Babylites – Partial Head (generally 4 plus hours for complete service)$410.50 |
Babylites – Full Head (generally 4 plus hours for complete service)$442.50 |
Ombre (generally 4 plus hours for complete service)$442.50 |
Balayage + Root (Base) Colour (generally 4 plus hours for complete service)$458.50 |
Ombre + Root (Base) Colour (generally 4 plus hours for complete service)$460.50 |
Want to go all over lighter No colour currently in my curls.$458.50 |
Want a Colour Transformation Currently have some colour in my curls. (We will need to lighten your base first & then we colour away)$474.50 |
Want a FUN Colour (Vivid colours) We will need to lighten first and then paint on the vivid colour$474.50 |
Save More: When booking/bundling the Dry-Cut CurlyTM Method service with these Lightening services, we deduct $32.00.
Treatment Services
Curly Treatments
Your curls deserve some extra TLC whether your hair has been overprocessed, under a lot of stress, or has been regularly exposed to harsh weather changes and pollution — our treatment services are the perfect solution to restore your curls More Details.
Detox Treatments $7.50 – $46.75 |
Moisture Treatments$51.75 |
Repair/Protein Treatments$51.75 |
Additional Fees for Lightening and Treatment Services
If toner is not needed the amount of $48.00 will be deducted
Depending on the condition of your hair texture (based on past chemical services), we may also need to add The Olaplex Salon.
To further protect the integrity of your curls, we also offer professional treatment worth $70.60.
Based on the history of past colour in your curls or natural pigment, or hair porosity; subsequent colour visits may be needed to meet your ultimate objective. And if that is ever the case, we will always be upfront and share that possibility with you.
Factors That May Affect Our Prices
Most of the time, wavy, curly, and super curly hair textures are blessed with more volume and density than other hair types. Styling, drying, cutting, and shaping super-dense hair requires extra time for our stylists
We may charge an additional $21.50 – $78.50 depending on your hair’s density.
Although having a few tangles in your textured hair is normal, it can take a lot of time for our stylist to detangle twisted and matted hair.
We want to be upfront with you and encourage you to avoid the additional costs of the time we may spend detangling your hair.
Come detangled and avoid an additional $21.50 – $78.50
For little ones, parents can add a couple of loose braids/twists after conditioning/detangling.
What Sets Us Apart From Other Hair Salons
Natural State of Curls
No matter what your hair texture is, we will always base the length on the natural state of your hair, unlike most salons that base length on when it’s straight
Expert Curl Advice
Enjoy a free consultation with personalized recommendations on the ideal products, techniques, and tools to enhance and maintain your beautiful curly hair.
Gender Neutral Pricing
We do not base our pricing on gender, as hair does not have gender. We believe in inclusivity and serve all our clients with fair prices and good service.